Monday, November 7, 2011


This my sister and I, tried to take a shoot that look like (we hope) Taeyon and Sunny from Girls Generation for  a magazine with twins concept. And we thought that we were failed to copy them. Taeyon and Sunny photos absolutely amazing. You guys should see their photos. So stunning! Not like our photos.

Talking about twins. Almost new people that we met, thought that we`re twins. But some people who didn`t think that we`re twins, they even had no idea that we`re sister. And almost people said that twins have telephatic.
I think I have telephatics with some people : my sister, my mom, and my best friend.Me and my sister have some same clothes. We have different room. But sometimes we ended up wearing the same clothes without make an appointment before.
Our family sometimes have lunch together at restaurant. If my mom said that we`re going to have lunch outside house, I always imagine certain restaurant in my mind, but I didn`t tell my mom. And as you can guess, my mom took us to the restaurant that inside my mind.
I have a best friend that sat next to me in class when we were in high school. And we often said the same words at the same times. She knows what I`m thingking and I`m also know what she is thingking without one of us said a word.

Do you believe in telepathic? I often read an article about it, like: a mother have a bad feeling and suddenly she received the news that her son have an accident. I`m also not too sure about this telepathic things but I believe that we have a bound and connection with the people who really close to us. Well, don`t take it to seriously. See you again in the next post guys! XOXO


  1. I think having a twin sister is so much fun. I see it in you girls and you both look so cute and beautiful!i love the concept. ;)

  2. thankyoouuuu jing..She is my little sister actually.. =)

  3. I'm wondering which the pictures of Taeng and Sunny you talked about, but this concept is truly lovely! hahaha so great have a sister like you, you both look so adorable <3
    I'm starting to love your blog, I will wait for another post (:


  4. Thankyou jane =). Try check this out
