Saturday, October 29, 2011

Youth Will Never Die

Have you ever felt that you are getting older,older and older everyday? Eventhough just one day passed since yesterday? The fact that you are more easily tired now than in the past. The fact that you are the oldest one in your english class. The fact that your nieces and nephews have grown up so much. The fact that everyone ask when will you get married? The fact that you often attended your high school friend's wedding lately. I have. That makes me so insecured and scared. Will my hair turn on white? Will wrinkles appeared on my face? Will my body getting weak? Will I have more complicated problems? Life is more simple when I was a kid.
Until someday I read a very great poem about youth. I will share some words for you. Here we go.

             What makes us grown ups anyway? Let's search for the moment..........

                 When youth betrayed itself to age, let the children play in your heart always
       Remember the meaning of playing out in the rain, we swim in the youth timeless maze
I will not let go of that youthful soul!

Because despite body and mind, youth will never die!

My hair will turn white. Wrinkles will appear on my face and entire body. My body will getting weak because of age. So what? As long as you always have that youthful soul, you will always young.  Age is just a number. And I also realize one thing : I'm 23 years old now, I have grown up. This fact is show that God has guided and accompanied me for 23 years! How faithful He is.
Growing up and getting older are amazing thing! You will meet your life partner, getting married, have adorable children, build a family, have grandchildren and getting older (again) with your husband until death tears you apart. These are the circle of life. I don't worry anymore now. I will have older face, weaker body, grown up mind, but that youthfoul soul always stay in me.

Behind the scene : I did the photoshoot with my sister from the sweetest escape. Don't we looked very silly?LOL.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Let’s Forgive, Now!

Selama kita hidup di dunia, kita gak mungkin terhindar dari yang namanya sakit hati. Setiap orang PASTI pernah sakit hati, siapapun itu. Mungkin yang menyakiti hati kita memang gak sengaja, tapi tetep aja rasa sakit itu ada. Apalagi kalau yang sengaja, mungkin bisa sampai jadi dendam kesumat.
Kalau kita cerita ke orangtua atau temen bahwa seseorang udah menyakiti hati kita, mereka mungkin akan langsung berslogan "forgive and forget".Forgive and forget. Memang gampang buat dikatakan dan diingat. Tapi prakteknya tidak semudah itu.
Teman-teman, aku cuma mau bilang, kalau kita disakiti orang, cepet-cepet beresin masalahnya sama orang yang bersangkutan. Bilang sejujurnya kalo tindakan dia itu sudah menyakiti hati kita. Bicarakan secara baik-baik. Buka hati kita buat memaafkan. Dan lupakan (ini yang paling sulit) apa yang sudah diperbuat orang tersebut sama kita. Percaya deh, ga ada gunanya menyimpan rasa dendam dan sakit hati. Yang ada kita jadi emosi, gak mood ngapa-ngapain, dan kesel sendiri setiap kali ketemu orang yang menyakiti kita. Apalagi kalau kalian dulunya temen terus gara-gara sakit hati yang gak diberesin persahabatan kalian jadi berantakan.
Bagi temen-temen yang ada dipihak "orang yang menyakiti", jangan ragu-ragu buat minta maaf. Ga worth it banget hubungan kita sama seseorang, apalagi orang yang deket, jadi rusak gara-gara gengsi semata.
Memaafkan bukan berarti kalah. Memaafkan bukan berarti kita lemah. Maafkanlah orang sudah menyakiti hati kita, tetapi jangan biarkan orang tersebut menyakiti hati kalian lagi.
Ayo beresin masalah dan segala rasa sakit hati yang ada.SEKARANG! Jangan lama-lama menyimpan rasa sakit hati karena semakin lama disimpan luka di hati semakin dalem dan semakin sulit diobati. Mungkin bagi beberapa orang hal ini sulit, tapi ayo cobain. Kalian pasti bisa! Jangan sampai kalian terlambat dan nantinya malah menyesal. Kalau kita udah bisa memaafkan dengan tulus, hati ini bakal lega banget, selega 100 kali lapangan sepakbola. Hidup ini terlalu berharga buat diisi sama dendam dan sakit hati. So, let's forgive and forget ^^

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner is you” (Lewis B.S)

I Miss You!

I don't know why I become so melancholy recently. I miss everything that I could miss. I miss my campus life. I miss my long distanced friends. I miss my childhood. When you miss something, usually you get a flashback. And I realize what a great life I have. What a great familes and friends I have. I'm very thank God for that.

Time moves so fast. We don't know when the time we will go. Or the time they will go. So if you miss someone, say it to them. I MISS YOU. There simple words that will make someone feel happy and feel their presence is so precious for you.

Don't forget to give a call, a text, an email, or even a visit for someone whom you miss! Happy weekend. I hope you have a nice one. God bless you.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm Feeling White

I like all colours that exist in this world, especially the colorfull one. But sometimes white make me fall in love too.

This is a basic colour that you can combine with any colour. Because she is make friends with anyone!

Wedding dress is white. Snow is white. Pollar bear is white. President's house is called white house. White is the symbol of purity, chastity, and simplicity.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pictures of My FavouriteThings

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

                                                      I always can not refused this things!

I really like reading book but my most favourite book, from my childhood, is always a fairytale. It's so unreal, imaginative, and free.

Rainbow is always amazed me! It's a symbol that's the storm already gone. It's a symbol of God's grace when He promised Noah that He won't destroy earth with flood.