Monday, November 28, 2011

Take a Break

Hi all! How are you guys doing? I'm so busy lately for christmas preparation, the english and korean lesson, my job, and other activities. So tired but so excited for every activity that I'm doing. I thought I need a break. So in my little freetime, I did photoshoot with (as usual) with my lovely sister from the sweetest escape at little pasture near our house. I also used my new lomo! Lomokino, the movie maker. But, latter my sister and I realize that we did some mistake in using that lomo. Hahaha. It's okay, we will try again that lomokino and I will show the result from the lomo on my next post.
                                               When life's streesed you out, take a break!
                                                               And take a breathe!
                                                             Do your leisure activity
Maybe do yoga and meditation?
Or stepping on the grass and feel the wind in your face
But the most important think is....drink your favourite milk flavor!LOL

and of course do some experiment with your new toy!

Have a nice break so you can go back with new spirit to your daily routine life. See you again soon ^^.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Playing Around with Orenji

Meet Orenji. It's korean languange for orange and since I 'm taking Korean course I must use that languange as often as possible so it won't evaporate from  my mind. And for that reason, my camera is named after it. Orenji is Canon series that has a lot of fun effects. Last Sunday, my sister and I tried some effects that she has. Here are some photos guys. Enjoy!

Have a nice day everbody! Whatever you will do today, do it with your full heart and make the best of it!God bless you all.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Put Your Hands Up

Last Friday on 11-11-11, my sister, my friend, and I watched 2pm concert at JITEC-Jakarta. 2pm is a Korean boyband. The concert was so definitely totally really AMAZING! You guys done such great job, 2pm!
Some foods before the concert. It's soup and spoon in Grand Indonesia-Jakarta. They served great salad and soup! Nice choice for the one who's on diet.
My sister made this poster but we don't put it up on the concert because we were affraid if that disturb the fans that sat (or should I say stand on the seat) behind us.

Accidentally met my long-time-no-see friend, Cicilia Sohrianto! She is my college friend. But she watched in other seat region.
I can't get the clear photos of them because we were not allowed to bring camera. So I used my blackberry, which suddenly went off because it ran out the battery. But we really enjoyed the show very much. Can't wait to watch them again next year!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Hero

Hi all! How are you doing? I know it is almost midnight but I just can't sleep so I decided to write here. The dawn will be come in a few minutes. 9th November will be turn to 10th November. 10th November is remembered as "Hari Pahlawan" in Indonesia. "Hari Pahlawan" means "Heroe's Day". It may be a little weird to translate that phrase into english. Basically, ``Hari Pahlawan`` exist to remember all Indonesian Heroes in the past who defend and fight for this country. The freedom that Indonesian get, it`s really because of them.

Few days ago, I took some photos with this outfit. This dress is made from batik fabric that was given from my friends (they are a kindest twins that I`ve ever met). This style remind me of my elementary teacher. They always wear batik and looked smart. In Indonesia, teachers are called ``Pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa``. Well, I will not translate it in english but I will explain to you what It`s mean. The teachers are called like that because they have a tough work but their salary not as much as other proffesions. For me, the teachers are really heroes. I can`t imagine if there were no teachers that want to teach us. Stupidity everywhere. The teachers give us their most precious treasure : knowledges. Maybe some of them fierce and fussy. But all they have done is for our own goodness. What makes the teachers happy is not high salary. Not a gift from the parents of their students. But what only can make they happy is to see their students become a successful people. They don`t ask anything else. Thankyou for all the teachers and lecturers who have taught me. Who make me who I am today. Thankyou so much.

Hero not should always die in the battlefield. Hero not should always fight the crime like superman or batman. Your hero can be your parents, your teachers, your friends, or someone elses. Be inspired by your hero. Then be a hero for someone else. Be a hero for your country. Because there`s a hero lies in your soul, wait to come out and make a victory.

Selamat Hari Pahlawan buat pahlawan-pahlawanku : Semua guru-guru dan dosen-dosen yang sudah pernah mengajarku dengan kesabaran, kasih sayang, bentakan, kecerewetan, air mata, dan keringat. Please don`t ever tired to fight the stupidity.

Monday, November 7, 2011


This my sister and I, tried to take a shoot that look like (we hope) Taeyon and Sunny from Girls Generation for  a magazine with twins concept. And we thought that we were failed to copy them. Taeyon and Sunny photos absolutely amazing. You guys should see their photos. So stunning! Not like our photos.

Talking about twins. Almost new people that we met, thought that we`re twins. But some people who didn`t think that we`re twins, they even had no idea that we`re sister. And almost people said that twins have telephatic.
I think I have telephatics with some people : my sister, my mom, and my best friend.Me and my sister have some same clothes. We have different room. But sometimes we ended up wearing the same clothes without make an appointment before.
Our family sometimes have lunch together at restaurant. If my mom said that we`re going to have lunch outside house, I always imagine certain restaurant in my mind, but I didn`t tell my mom. And as you can guess, my mom took us to the restaurant that inside my mind.
I have a best friend that sat next to me in class when we were in high school. And we often said the same words at the same times. She knows what I`m thingking and I`m also know what she is thingking without one of us said a word.

Do you believe in telepathic? I often read an article about it, like: a mother have a bad feeling and suddenly she received the news that her son have an accident. I`m also not too sure about this telepathic things but I believe that we have a bound and connection with the people who really close to us. Well, don`t take it to seriously. See you again in the next post guys! XOXO

Rainy November

Time moves so fast! It`s like just yesterday we greeted each others a happy new year. And now here we are in November. Just two months before year 2012. Rain is falling almost everyday in Indonesia. I`m kind of like this weather. Rain gives you so much inspiration to write. Or maybe it is just because the cool temprature that makes your brain cool enough to think clearly.
I want to share with you some random things in the first week of this lovely November.

 1st November is my grandmother`s birthday. She is 87 years old now. Still strong and still health! Super grandma! God with you always.

 My friend who just came from Malaysia give me A LOT OF CHOCOLATES as a gift. This is my favourite! It is a kind of him to bring me a gift but I think he also want to make me fat! LOL.

Last saturday, my friends and I went to Motzen at Dago Pakar. We ate, chatted, and played  ``Saboter`` game. It`s used a pack of cards. Basically about team work where the good guys must find gold and the saboters must preclude the gold seekers. I`m addicted and could`t stop playing it. Looking forward to play it again with you guys.

I found this funny things at my english course class. My class mates wrote this when I were absent. Maybe this is can`t help you to avoid someone. Some are funny and some are too harsh I think.

I`m also taking Korean course. And last friday I just did my speaking test. Which`s totally and completely a mess! I don`t know how the result is. Learning korean languanges is not as easy as I imagined.

My beautiful friend treated us for celebrating her birthday on 31th Octotober. We came to her home, made a surprise. The cake is not an ordinary birthday cake. It`s my new invention. Salad  ``cake``. We gave her salad where we put mashed potatoes in the middle to stick on the birthday candles. We gave them salad because that food represenst her slim body. And she really like eating salad. I should follow her! LOL. Happy birthday to you once again Cheery. Have a healthy and happy year ahead.

Well, that`s what happened to me lately. Good night everybody! Have a dreamy night everybody.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Just The Way You Are?

Hello adorable people! How's life treat you these days? I hope you all fine. I'm welcoming November with my new hair. Yes. I'm straighten my hair. Because my ordinary hair is so messy. I'm like just woke up from my sleep with my old hair. Even if I have brushed it. So I decided to changed it. How do you think? I know my family and my friends love me with my new hair, and they also still love me even if I'm still with my messy helpless hair. But I just want to changed it. Some of my friends do not realize that I starighten my hair, though I'm just feel good about my new hair.

It is so sweet and relieve if  your family and your friends accept you just the way you are. It is so good that you are proud to be yourself. But that doesn't mean that changes are prohibited. Sometimes people have wrong ideas about this thing. Changes are needed. Of course I'm talking about positif changes. Don't trapped in the same old you. Nobody's perfect in this world. Maybe we have some bad habits that must be eliminated. Maybe we have some hobies that we really like but we are not so good in it, then practice! Practice maybe not make it perfect, but practice definitely will make your skill better. And I think it is all right if you want to change your physical apperance. But I'm personally not agree about plastic surgery. It's too extrim. I mean like dress smarter, have a new hair cut, or build some muscles maybe? People said inner beauty is important. I do think so, but your outer beauty is also important too. It's also okay to go on diet as long as for the health reason. Be beautiful inside and outside!
Maintain all the goods things that you have in you. That what the word "stay the same" mean. Try to get rid of all bad things that you have.Step out from your comfort zone. In the process of changes, don't loose yourself. Take it easy. Don`t forced it and don't too harsh on yourself. Changes need time. Some people need short time, some people need quite a long time. Challenge yourself to be better everyday. Have an exciting day everyone!