Have you guys ever watched the pursuit of happiness?I have.Once.In the car, on the way to mall.I watched with no concentration because i were busy looking at my blackberry too.Then I felt a little dizzy.And I watched it not until the end of the story.So actually I don't know the exact and detailed of the story.But, what I interested to is the title of the movie.Pursuit-of-happiness.
People always pursue happiness.That's true.So why people do it?Is it true that happiness is something that you will never achieved so you can only pursue it?The answer is yes.Yes for those who can't be grateful for what God have give to them in their life. Nobody's perfect. Life is not perfect. Thanked God for what He has given to us. Appreciate and love all the people around you. Your families.Your friends. Even your enemies.
Always give the best you can in this life.Life's only once.Life it,feel it,maximize it and be happy in it!Let's learn to be happy in imperfection.Research proved that happiness make you healthy. This happy feeling release a hormone that reduce stress and some illness.See?That's no reason to be unhappy, people!
This is some tips for beginner that try to be happy:
2. Be optimis person, alwyas have positif thinking
3. Avoid comparison
4. Say thankyou like you mean it
5. Smile even if you don't feel it
6. Remember a happy memories
7. Have meaning goals in life
8. Listen and sing to a happy song that build your mood
Well, this is my list. You can make your own list. Be happy for yourself. Happiness is contagious. If you happy, that will make others feel happy too.
Happiness is a choice.And I choose to be happy.How about you?
I hope you make the right choice.
Be happy! ^^